Reducing the gender pay gap through effective transparency laws - highlights from an EPIC technical meeting
In February 2020 , in collaboration with the Government of Germany, EPIC organised a meeting for its members including representatives from governments, workers and employers organizations, civil society organizations. Approximately 65 participants came together to understand the impact and challenges of implementing measures aimed at reducing the gender pay gap. Over the two-day event, participants discussed how wage transparency policies aimed at addressing longstanding gender wage gaps have been gaining momentum over the past few years. Canada, France, Germany, Iceland, Jordan, Portugal, Switzerland and the UK shared their journey. Their recommendations include the provisions of robust support to companies through pay equity plans, training, guidelines, online assistance, pay audits, pay certification and tools. The success of these policies depend on the active engagement of workers, employers, business and civil society. A summary report of the meeting’s findings and conclusions may be found in the community forum.