“The government of Switzerland is proud that LOGIB has been labeled as an EPIC good practice” says Sylvie Durrer, Director of the Federal Office for Gender Equality (FOGE).
In Switzerland, women earn on average 18% less than men. Employers are responsible for ensuring equal pay. Yet, most employers are unaware of wage discrimination and assume that pay equity is being respected in their companies. However, pay discrimination must first be identified before it can be eliminated. Regular equal pay analyses ensure transparency and show whether women and men are actually receiving equal pay for work of equal value. Employers in Switzerland can find out where their company stands by simply verifying their own pay practices. The Swiss Government has developed an online tool based on regression analysis providing companies access to a free and practical equal pay self-test that requires a minimum of time and effort and does not call for any specialist knowledge. This tool is called Logib and is available free of charge on the FOGE website.
Logib is suitable for companies with 50 employees and more. Logib is an easy to use, Excel-based program that can quickly provide a picture of the current situation. It is free to use and available in four languages; English, French, German and Italian. Should the test reveal any gender-specific pay differences, it is advisable to carry out analyses in greater detail. The FOGE has a list of companies and organisations that advise or assist companies in examining pay equality. They can help to interpret results or conduct a complete equal pay analysis. Companies can also take part in “Commitment to Equal Pay” (ELEP), to test their pay with regard to social partners and eliminate any discrimination.
Since 2006, Logib has also been used for government-run checks at the national, federal and local level to ensure equal pay in the public procurement and/or subsidies system. The federal government ensures that the Logib model is continuously updated and amends these guidelines accordingly to take account of any technical or legal developments, such as those relating to the definition of what constitutes ‘pay’. The FOGE also provides financial support to projects aimed at the realisation of equal pay for men and women in line with the Gender Equality Act (1995). Anyone interested can consult the findings in the Topbox project database. Thanks to its commitment to equal pay, Switzerland received the 2018 UN Public Service Award.
Sylvie Durrer added “As we all slowly try to come to terms with the economic impact of the global crisis caused by COVID-19, it is important that employers continue to recognise and value women’s work. We are delighted that our simple and concrete tool will be available to companies all over the world, so that they can continue to live up to their commitment to equal pay, ensuring a lasting and concrete recognition of women’s essential role in the world of work. “