When: 16 – 17 December 2019
Where: Amman, Jordan
Building upon the momentum gained since the global launch of the Equal Pay International Coalition (EPIC) in 2017, and the commitment made by the government of Jordan, as the only Arab member of EPIC and member of the EPIC Steering Committee, to introduce the platform to other Arab states, the Jordanian National Commission for Women, in partnership with the ILO, UN Women, and OECD will launch EPIC in the Arab region.
The launch will take place on 16-17 December in Amman, Jordan as part of a regional symposium on addressing the gender pay gap in the Arab States. The event will bring together government, employers, workers and civil society representatives from 14 countries in the region to learn about EPIC and share good practices from around the world on how to accelerate the achievement of equal pay for work of equal value. This event also aims at encouraging other countries and organisations from the region to join EPIC and be part of this global movement to contribute to the achievement of SDG 8.5 on equal pay for work of equal value.
•To present promising practices to reduce the gender pay gap and promote equal pay for work of equal value in the Arab region
•To provide a platform where countries can share experiences and learning
•To introduce EPIC and provide guidance on joining
•To call for pledges on equal pay
Intended Outcome
Countries and organisations from the Arab States, are inspired by promising practices from the region and beyond on reducing the gender pay gap, and join EPIC to help achieve equal pay for work of equal value in the region.